Sinterklaas is a celebration that takes place every year in the Netherlands.
Children find it an exciting time filled with presents, songs, and treats. They look forward all year to the arrival of Sinterklaas and his Pieten.
But what is Sinterklaas exactly, what is its origin, and how do we celebrate it?
Sinterklaas is an old man with a golden staff, a large red cloak, a mitre, white gloves, and a big ring on his finger. He rides a white horse named Ozosnel and is helped by his Pieten.
What is the origin of Sinterklaas? He is based on Saint Nicholas, a kind bishop who lived a long time ago and loved helping people.
Sinterklaas's helpers are called 'Pieten' (Pete's) They have a long history. Initially, they were depicted as helpers who handed out presents on behalf of Sinterklaas.
In the past, they were sometimes portrayed as scary figures to frighten children, but this has changed over time.
Today, Pieten are cheerful and helpful characters who make the celebration more fun.
Each Piet (Pete) has a specific role and is named after it, such as Wegwijs-Piet (Guide Pete), Huis-Piet (House Pete), and Pietje Precies (Pete Precise).
The most important one is Hoofd-Piet (Head Pete), who leads the group of Pieten.
To enter houses, the Pieten always use the chimney, which gives them all soot smudges on their faces.
In November, Sinterklaas arrives from Spain on a steamboat somewhere in the Netherlands. This event is called the national arrival. Children line up everywhere to wave at him, and his Pieten hand out candy (especially pepernoten).
It’s a festive day and even broadcasted on television! Afterward, there are local arrivals in almost every town and village.
Sinterklaas carries a big red book that contains the names, addresses, and wish lists of all the children.
This book is kept safe by Hoofd-Piet.
One of the most exciting parts is the tradition of putting out your shoe. Children place a drawing for Sinterklaas and a carrot or some hay for the horse in their shoe at night.
Then, they sing a Sinterklaas song. The next morning, they find a small present or some candy in their shoe, and everything they left in the shoe is gone. So exciting!
The main celebration is on December 5th: Gift Evening (Pakjesavond).
On this evening, Sinterklaas delivers presents for everyone. Often, the gifts come with funny poems, and the presents are creatively wrapped. This is called a Sinterklaas surprise.
Families gather to enjoy the surprises together.
Sinterklaas is also celebrated at primary schools. Children make crafts, and they often get to put out their shoes at school.
On December 5th, Sinterklaas and his Pieten visit the school, usually arriving in a fun way, like on a fire truck, tractor, bicycle, or police motorcycle.
Younger children (lower grades) receive presents, while older children (upper grades) celebrate with secret gift exchanges, poems, and surprises.
Sinterklaas comes with lots of delicious treats. Here are some popular ones:
While Sinterklaas is, of course, about presents, it’s mainly about being together. Families use this time to enjoy each other’s company. The songs, the shoe tradition, and the surprises make it extra fun.
Although some aspects of the celebration have changed, it remains a special and sometimes thrilling time of the year.
It’s all about having fun, sharing, and enjoying. Everyone, young or old, can take part in the magic of Sinterklaas.
Happy Sinterklaas! 🎁🎉